Action 3.5: Strengthen social inclusion through a ‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ initiative in the Wet Tropics

The issue to be addressed

‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ is a global movement that recognises the fundamental connections between human health and environmental health. Growing scientific evidence and generations of traditional cultural knowledge show that contact with nature is critical for our physical, mental, social and spiritual health. Healthy nature sustains our life, livelihoods and liveability. Parks that are valued and maintained are also fundamental to economic growth and vibrant and healthy communities.

The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area plays a vital role in our identity and the development of strong, cohesive communities. The Wet Tropics community should be able to access benefits from the World Heritage Area through a greater variety of organised programs. This approach encourages those from the health, environment, parks, tourism, Indigenous, community development, education, business and other sectors to work together to develop and support Healthy Parks, Healthy People initiatives across the ‘World Heritage Area.

Action we will take

The Authority will:

  • develop a ‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ plan with customised messaging and outreach materials then build awareness and advocacy for the initiative
  • engage with partner organisations and develop partnerships with existing and new sectors (i.e. health, arts and others) to explore opportunities for a ‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ initiatives in the ‘World Heritage Area
  • activate ‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ in the ‘World Heritage Area then evaluate and measure results.

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