Action 5.4: Ensure the Wet Tropics legislative context is contemporary and best practice

The issue to be addressed

One of the important ways the Wet Tropics Management Authority manages impacts on the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is through the administration of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 and subordinate legislation the Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998. The Wet Tropics Act and the Management Plan require periodic review and updating to ensure they are contemporary and best practice, and enable the Authority to effectively manage the World Heritage Area.

Action we will take

The Authority will:

  • review and update the Wet Tropics Act and the Management Plan as required
  • use the five-year review of actions and strategies of the Wet Tropics Strategic Plan 2020–2030 to determine if legislative change is required
  • consult the Wet Tropics community on the effectiveness and appropriateness of the legislative context (ongoing), includes applying free prior and informed consent processes with Rainforest Aboriginal People
  • develop communication materials to ensure the legislative context is well understood by Wet Tropics stakeholders
  • use best endeavours to apply an Indigenous rights-based approach to the management of the World Heritage Area.

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