The new bridge has been a long-time aspiration of the Wujal Wujal and Bloomfied communities. A number of vehicles had been washed off the old Woobadda Creek crossing in periods of exceptionally high rainfall.
Management agencies decided it was important to upgrade the crossing not only because of safety concerns, but to also enable Wujal Wujal residents to maintain their social and economic connections with residents and businesses in the township of Mossman.
While the Authority was supportive of the upgrade of the river crossing, it was important that the significant natural and scenic values associated with the river and its surrounding forests were protected.
Following extensive consultation, the Cairns Regional Council developed a design that provides a high level crossing with a relatively small foot print in the river. This means that the new bridge has almost no impact on the natural flow of the river, an important consideration in a stream which is habitat for the endangered mist frog and highly restricted fish species.
To maintain the visual amenity of this largely natural setting the Authority sought a design that would soften the usual hard concrete engineered structures that are the norm on roads in north Queensland. The stone facing on the sides of the arches that form the new Woobadda Creek Bridge help the structure blend into the natural environment.