Do you live in an infestation area?

Yellow crazy ant infestations have been detected in areas south of Cairns and near Kuranda. Residents in these areas are restricted from moving material that could potentially carry yellow crazy ants and unintentionally cause a new infestation outside of these areas. 

Current yellow crazy ant infestation areas in the Cairns region include Gordonvale, Edmonton, Mount Peter, Sawmill Pocket, Bentley Park, Mount Sheridan, Bayview Heights and Kuranda. 

Are we succeeding?  

Yes, we are succeeding. Since the program was established in 2013, the Authority has mapped and treated all known areas of yellow crazy ant infestation in the Cairns region. We have located 44 infestation areas, reduced the overall broadscale treatment area by 85% and declared four sites eradicated.  

The orange-shaded shapes in this map depict the treatment areas for yellow crazy ants in the Cairns and Kuranda area. The boundary is determined by location data collected via GPS by the Wet Tropics Management Authority's field teams. The total infestation encompasses a variety of residential, sugarcane and rainforest areas. The green-shaded areas in this map indicate the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. This map is updated as necessary to reflect the known location of yellow crazy ants in the Cairns region.  

What can I do? 

General advice for people living in an infestation area: 

Yellow crazy ants mainly rely on human activities to spread, such as the movement of soil, machinery and construction materials, pot plants and outdoor furniture. We rely on the help from members of the public to prevent the ants from spreading. By following the guidelines outlined below, you are helping to stop the spread of yellow crazy ants.  

Are you moving or selling pot plants, outdoor furniture or play equipment? 

Pot plants and outdoor furniture such as sun chairs, swing sets, cubby house, spas etc. are ideal habitat for yellow crazy ants. Selling or moving these items from an infestation area can have dramatic consequences and compromise eradication efforts. If you are considering doing any of the above, please give us a call on 07 4241 0525. Our staff carry out FREE inspections to ensure that any equipment or materials are free of yellow crazy ants. 

How do I dispose of my green waste and other rubbish? 

All rubbish and green waste coming from an infestation area should be taken as soon as possible to a Council transfer station in Portsmith or Gordonvale. Illegal dumping is a serious offence and one of the key facilitators of yellow crazy ant spread. Keep in mind that all illegal dumping will be investigated, and offenders will be prosecuted. You can report illegal dumping by calling Cairns Regional Council on 07 4044 3044. 

How can I reduce the yellow crazy ant activity in my backyard? 

Yellow crazy ants will nest in almost anything. Reduce nesting habitat availability by keeping your yard free of debris, construction materials and green waste.  We treat residential areas for free during our treatment rounds: three times a year, no less than three months apart and when the weather conditions are suitable. 

Report sightings 

If you think you have seen a yellow crazy ant outside or near a current infestation area, please call us as soon as possible on 07 4241 0525. We rely on the help from members of the public to prevent yellow crazy ants from spreading. Your contribution in our efforts to eradicate this pest are greatly appreciated. 

Did you receive a notification in your mailbox about yellow crazy ants? 

Yellow crazy ants are restricted matter, category three, under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Under the Act, yellow crazy ants must not be distributed or disposed of into the environment, and the Act requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with these ants. If yellow crazy ants have been found on your property or close to your property, you will receive a notification requesting access to your property for survey and treatment purposes.

Electric ants

Electric ants are another invasive ant species on the fringes of our Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. The Wet Tropics Management Authority works closely with the National Electric Ant Eradication Program, a nationally cost-share response, managed by Biosecurity Queensland (the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries). To make sure you don’t accidentally spread electric ants, use the interactive map to check the location of the electric ant restricted zone, and the movement controls that apply. For further information on electric ants in Queensland click here.

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