Draft Wet Tropics Management Plan released for public review

The Wet Tropics Management Authority invites community feedback on the draft Wet Tropics Management Plan.

It is the second public consultation phase in a 10-year review of the Management Plan.

The first phase, in 2017, consulted Rainforest Aboriginal People, landholders, all levels of government, industry and the broader community, incorporating feedback from more than 60 meetings and workshops and 91 formal submissions.

The Chair, Ms Leslie Shirreffs said the Authority had listened to the Wet Tropics community’s feedback.

‘We consulted with a wide range of people to ensure the updated Management Plan captured those issues most important to the Wet Tropics community,’ she said.

‘We have listened, and have addressed the vast majority of issues raised during phase one.

‘We thank the community for their feedback, and encourage them to have their say again to ensure we have adequately captured their aspirations for the World Heritage Area.’

The Wet Tropics Management Plan (1998) protects the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area with a zoning and permit scheme, regulating activities with the potential to affect World Heritage values.

A major change resulting from the first round of public consultation is the introduction of a new Wet Tropics Strategic Plan. It addresses issues not covered by the regulatory instrument such as climate change, biosecurity and supporting Rainforest Aboriginal People.

‘The creation and release of a new strategic plan for public input represents a new approach for the Authority, and a new approach to World Heritage management,’ Leslie said.

‘We have also responded to feedback by proposing to simplify the Wet Tropics zoning system, reduce red tape around permits and remove duplication of procedures between agencies.’

Submissions close on Thursday 18 April 2019. The Wet Tropics Management Plan is available for review and comment at wettropics.gov.au/PlanReview.

Draft Wet Tropics Management Plan released for public review

Published: 02nd Mar 2019

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