When planning a project or activity that could impact upon the environment, it is important to first determine what kinds of approvals are required. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of our free consultation service before lodging an application with the Wet Tropics Management Authority (the Authority). This will ensure the correct information has been provided and the application can proceed without delays.
All activities which disturb vegetation, soil, water or scenic values in the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area (the Area) will probably require a permit application.
The Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998 (the Management Plan) regulates land use activities within the Area and designates management zones which specify activities that are either prohibited, allowed under permit, or allowed without a permit. The Management Plan includes principles and criteria for deciding permit applications. See legislation for more details.
The Authority has developed Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998 guidelines to help assess permit applications and inform permit applicants. These guidelines may sometimes be used as part of the conditions for issuing a permit.
Building and maintenance of roads, powerlines, towers, railways, cableways and visitor sites within the Area requires a permit. The Authority has ongoing maintenance permits with all infrastructure agencies, including state and local government agencies who look after community services infrastructure. See management partnerships for details.
To determine if a proposal will require a permit please contact the Wet Tropics Management Authority and talk over the proposal with a permits officer.
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Minor and inconsequential activities
Some activities may be considered minor and inconsequential and, therefore, not require a permit. Please ask the Authority whether your proposed activity may be considered minor and inconsequential. Minor and inconsequential activities are those which:
The following examples could reasonably be considered activities with minor and inconsequential impact:
For more detailed information on minor and inconsequential activities, download Information Sheet No. 3.
Please contact the Authority to find out if a proposed activity is minor and inconsequential.
Certain activities by landholders and native title holders required a permit.
A permit may be issued to a landholder or native title holder to carry out certain domestic activities on their land. These domestic activities may include:
- building a residence
- clearing or building access to a residence on the land
- establishing a house garden or orchard
- extracting water for domestic use.
The Authority is responsible for the assessment of permit applications made in accordance with the provisions of the Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998. For information on permits issued please email the Wet Tropics Management Authority.
These information sheets give answers for the common questions about the Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998 and the permit system.
Number | Information sheet | Download pdf file |
1 |
General information |
2 |
Permit application and assessment |
3 |
Minor and inconsequential activities |
4 |
DNRM lease, licence and permit holders |
5 |
Freehold land in the World Heritage Area |
6 |
Grazing |
7 |
Beekeeping |
8 |
Flying over the World Heritage Area |
9 |
Commercial tour operations |
10 |
Mining, quarrying and fossicking |
11 |
Seed collecting |
12 |
Undesirable animals and plants |
13 |
Information for local government |
14 |
Development and maintenance of infrastructure |
15 |
Plain English interpretation of the Plan |