The Rainforest Aboriginal Grants Program supports Rainforest Aboriginal people and their organisations to enhance knowledge, fulfil cultural responsibilities to country and improve capacity to manage the cultural and natural values of their traditional land and sea estates in the Wet Tropics region.
Terrain NRM and the Authority provide funding and in-kind support of between $5,000 - $15,000.
Expressions of interest (EOI) for Round 1 opened in March 2017 and 13 EOIs were received from 10 groups across the region. Terrain and the Authority are happy to announce 10 projects have been successful in obtaining funding. A combined total of $120,000 in grant funding was committed during Round 1.
The following 5 projects have been funded through the Authority:
1. Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation (Capacity Building and Planning Project)
2. Choorechillum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (Maintenance of Country Project)
3. Gunggandji Mandingalbay-Yidinji RNTBC (Signage Project)
4. Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (Cultural heritage mapping and maintenance of country Project)
5. Wadjanbarra Tablelands Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation (Cultural heritage & protection Project)
Terrain funded the following 5 projects:
1. Abriculture (Tribal Ecologist Network Project)
2. Girringun PBC (Knowledge Sharing Project)
3. Gunggandji PBC (Enhance cultural recognition and presentation of cultural values for Gunggandji peoples)
4. Buda-dji Aboriginal Development Association Aboriginal Corporation (Djabugay - Cultural and Aboriginal Land Management Project)
5. Bamangu Bubu Ngadimunku (Recording of Traditional Ecological knowledge with Yalanji Women Project)
Keep an eye out as we feature various projects in upcoming issues of the Rainforest Aboriginal News and on our Facebook.
For more information on the Rainforest Aboriginal Grants Program email or call 07 4241 0510.