Action 2.2: Support and coordinate implementation of a refreshed Regional Agreement

The issue to be addressed

The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Regional Agreement was signed on 29 April 2005 by 18 Rainforest Aboriginal tribal groups, the Authority, and the Australian and Queensland governments. The Regional Agreement recognises the significant contribution that Rainforest Aboriginal People make to the management of cultural and natural heritage values in the Wet Tropics and commits all parties to mechanisms for cooperative management of the World Heritage Area. The Memorandum of Understanding within the agreement was updated in March 2006, however a great deal has changed across the Wet Tropics landscape since this time. Changes in governance arrangements have meant that the agreement has not been effectively implemented. Rainforest Aboriginal People at a regional workshop on 21–22 October 2017 called for the support of the Authority, North Queensland Land Council and Terrain NRM to refresh the Regional Agreement with all partners.

Action we will take

The Authority will:

  • support the Traditional Owner Leadership Group to negotiate an Implementation Agreement (to refresh the 2005 Regional Agreement) with partners
  • facilitate annual Rainforest Aboriginal People forums and support a regional Indigenous expertise-based committee to review progress with the Implementation Agreement and its achievement
  • develop joint funding submissions with partners to secure additional resources to support Implementation Agreement priorities.

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