Sustainable tourism expert reappointed to Wet Tropics Management Authority Board

As Queensland’s post-COVID tourism recovery gathers momentum, the Wet Tropics Management Authority (the Authority) is celebrating the reappointment of eco-tourism expert Dr Sally Driml as a director to its Board for a further three years.

Dr Driml has a substantial background in policy and economics applied to environmental management, eco-tourism and protected areas. She is an honorary senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Queensland.

Chair of the Board, Ms Chrissy Grant, welcomed her reappointment.

“Dr Driml provided strong leadership to the Authority’s Sustainable Tourism Plan, which lays out a buoyant future for tourism in Far North Queensland’s Wet Tropics,” Ms Grant said.

“She has more than 30 years’ experience researching and working in climate change, protected area management and tourism in the Wet Tropics and other sensitive areas in Queensland and Australia.

“Dr Driml is a strong advocate for investment in tourism opportunities in protected areas and is a recognised leader in the field.”

Ms Grant said Dr Driml also demonstrated a genuine commitment to engaging with and supporting the Authority’s Community Consultative Committee, has made an exceptional contribution to the Board, and her reappointment would allow her continued oversight of several crucial programs.

The Wet Tropics Management Authority Board of Directors is established under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993.

The Board consists of seven directors, including an executive director.

The chair and five non-executive directors are appointed by the Queensland Governor in Council for a term of up to three years, and they serve part-time. The executive director of the Authority is a full-time, non-voting director.

Dr Driml was nominated by the Honourable Tanya Plibersek, Minister for the Environment and Water, with the support of the Honourable Leanne Linard, Minister for the Environment and Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for Multicultural Affairs.

The Wet Tropics Management Authority Board’s key function is to meet Australia’s international obligations for the World Heritage Area under the World Heritage Convention. People are qualified for appointment as directors if they have qualifications or extensive experience in a field related to the Authority’s functions.

Sustainable tourism expert reappointed to Wet Tropics Management Authority Board

Published: 25th Oct 2023

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