Vegetation complex and mosaics

Rainforest secondary successional complexes include those associations initiated by both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. It applies to those communities dominated by rainforest species that have suffered greater than 50% disturbance to the original rainforest canopy, generally through human interference.

View the rainforest secondary successional complex Fact Sheet here.

Riparian vegetation refers to those plant communities adjacent to a watercourse (river or stream) whose development is influenced by, or relies upon, the hydrology of the associated water body. Riparian landforms include a broad range of geomorphic features associated with the process of stream deposition and erosion. These are dynamic landscape features which respond rapidly to varying stream flow regimes and riparian areas can be considered zones of natural disturbance. 

View the riparian complex Fact Sheet here.

The structure and floristic composition of Wetland complex formation varies both spatially and temporally. The formation includes open wetlands, sedgelands, shrublands, woodlands, closed forests and a range of transitional communities. This complexity may be in response to variations in a number of edaphic controls such as soil drainage capacity, fertility or hydrological regime.

View the wetland complex Fact Sheet here.

Wet Tropics Management Authority

The Coastal Beach Complex formation occurs at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments. The formation is exposed to a number of variable and often harsh environmental controls. Factors that influence vegetation development include salinity (both from tidal exchange and salt spray), exposure to prevailing tradewinds, mobile and infertile substrates, and regular severe weather events. 

View the coastal beach complex Fact Sheet here.

Fern Complex formation is generally confined to the upper slopes and peaks of elevated mountain ranges where it forms visually dramatic openings within dense mountain rainforest. Whilst soil conditions and topography are major influences on this formation it is also a reflection of historical Aboriginal burning.

View the fern complex Fact Sheet here.

The Rock pavement and coastal headland complex is a diverse formation whose major environmental controlling factors are skeletal soils and exposure. The formation encompasses a range of structural and floristic types more typical of other formations. The formation comprises two alliances that can be distinguished by landscape position. 

View the rock pavement and coastal headland complex Fact Sheet here.

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