Wet Tropics Management

[last updated 07/10/2020]

The Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998

The Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998 (the Management Plan) protects the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area (the Area) with a zoning and permit scheme, regulating activities with the potential to affect World Heritage values.

A review of the Management Plan is required by law every ten years. The Authority takes this opportunity to ensure that it reflects current land management practices. The most recent review of the Management Plan commenced in 2017 and included two phases of public consultation with community, Rainforest Aboriginal Peoples, industry and other stakeholders. The consultation outcomes are summarised in the phase 1 consultation report  and phase 2 consultation report.

In parallel with the review of the Management Plan, the Authority also developed the Wet Tropics Strategic Plan 2020–2030. This is a non-statutory, complementary document to the Management Plan, which sets out the strategies that the Wet Tropics Management Authority will implement to continue to meet its obligations to protect and present the World Heritage values of the Area.

The updated Wet Tropics Management Plan

An updated Wet Tropics Management Plan is in effect from 11 September 2020, including revised zoning and a cooperative management agreement register—these supersede the original Management Plan and zoning maps.

The main changes to the updated Management Plan are summarised in the Amendment Summary—Wet Tropics Management Plan, which includes guidance on transitional provisions for those affected by changes.

To assist with understanding the updated Management Plan, see the Wet Tropics Management Plan explanatory notes. There is also a specific guide on reconfiguring a lot (subdivision). 


Wet Tropics Management Authority: (07) 4241 0500 | wettropics@wtma.qld.gov.au

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