Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance FAQs

Wet Tropics Management Authority

What is the Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance? 

The Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance (the Alliance) is a coalition of organisations working together to ensure the survival of Wet Tropics forests under a changing and unstable climate. The Alliance is about supporting members’ existing work and developing capacity and income streams, while also identifying key areas where upscaled investment and on-ground action is required. 

As an Alliance member, organisations will have access to networks of peers in the field of landscape restoration and natural capital financing to learn, collaborate and seek new resources to support their work. Becoming part of the Alliance provides access to the partnership, skills, knowledge and potential shared resources of Alliance members. You will be able to attend events throughout the year, including an annual forum and various learning and networking opportunities.

Who is in the Alliance and who can join? 

The Alliance is open to any organisation or individual with an interest in working together to ensure the survival of Wet Tropics forests under a changing and unstable climate. Currently, the Alliance is made up of over 28 organisations and independents, including Traditional Custodians, landscape restoration practitioners, research organisations, conservation entities and investors. With the goal of securing the future of some of the world's oldest continuously surviving tropical rainforests, the Alliance invites anyone committed to contributing to this mission to join us as a member.

If I am not an Alliance member, can I still attend Alliance events?

Yes, the Alliance welcomes anyone dedicated to ensuring the survival of Wet Tropics forests amid a changing and unstable climate to attend events for sharing and gaining knowledge. However, to ensure you receive invitations to relevant Alliance events tailored to your expertise and to be given priority if event numbers are capped due to field site and venue sizes and catering, we encourage active participants to become Alliance members. 

If you are unable to join the Alliance but wish to stay informed, we invite you to become a friend of the Alliance and subscribe to our New Leaf newsletter. Released quarterly, this digital newsletter highlights our collaborative projects, strategies, research and the inspiring efforts of the Alliance member organisations.

Is there a membership fee to join the Alliance? 

No, there are no financial costs proposed for Alliance members at this stage. The Alliance focuses on providing access to knowledge, identifying collaboration opportunities and sharing resources to enhance the effectiveness of restoration efforts in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Areas.

Members might need to access their own funds for travel or accommodation costs to attend Alliance events. However, we aim to minimise these expenses as much as possible to ensure members can participate.

What is the governance model for the Alliance? 

The Alliance is supported by funding from the Wet Tropics Management Authority and resources contributed by James Cook University and Terrain NRM. These three organisations are often referred to as the founding members or supporting partners and provide ongoing support to the Alliance. However, the Alliance is designed to operate independently from these founding organisations.

To ensure this independence, an interim steering group was appointed by an independent selection committee. The purpose of this Interim Steering Group is to oversee the establishment phase of the Alliance and provide direction on the following key areas on behalf of the members:

  • Strategy and long-term governance structure
  • Investment framework
  • Knowledge sharing and development

The Alliance is supported by a dedicated Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance Coordinator (Alliance Coordinator), employed by the supporting partners, who acts as secretariat and progresses directions from the Interim Steering Group.

What commitment is required from me or my organisation? 

Alliance members commit to continuing their work on improving the resilience of Wet Tropics forests and collaborating where possible on key initiatives such as investment planning. This is outlined in more detail in the Statement of Commitment to establish the Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance. 

There is an expectation that members would provide in-kind support (for example, time, expertise or co-contributions to projects where this makes sense) and participate in Alliance events (when able) and projects that are of specific interest to members. 

Will participation in the Alliance impact members’ organisational work priorities? 

Yes—but only in a positive way! The Alliance recognises that all landscape restoration work across the Wet Tropics bioregion delivers significant benefits, and its purpose is to support members’ efforts to achieve even greater success. Another focus of the Alliance will be to target key areas of landscape restoration that constitute priorities in terms of climate refugia and connectivity. 

How do the Alliance members work together? 

  • Alliance members have the opportunity to meet at least once per year at the Alliance annual event to plan, collaborate, learn and share experiences. Additionally, field days and workshops will be organised throughout the year based on members’ interests and locations. 
  • Alliance members are encouraged to leverage the Alliance to establish partnerships and identify collaborative opportunities.
  • An Alliance database is currently in the works to act as a resource for Alliance members, assisting in identifying shared goals, areas of collaboration and potential resource sharing.

What is the Alliance investment framework? 

An investment framework will be developed in partnership with interested Alliance members to attract increased investment to save Wet Tropics forests. The framework will tell the compelling story about why the Wet Tropics is a critical place for urgent investment in restoration and resilience actions and can be used to support members’ work and identify priority areas for restoration such as key connectivity areas across the landscape.

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